
The Mission of AJAPO is to provide a continuum of care which empowers refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient and integrated into the Greater Pittsburgh Community and Allegheny County.

In other words, AJAPO is here to help refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient people and good neighbors!  The services we offer are diverse and far-reaching, including acculturation, family cohesion and empowerment, youth development, and immigration services.  Because of our family focus, most of our projects are implemented under the Family Cohesion and Empowerment Program (FCEP).
Our Vision for the Community:


In order to achieve this vision of strong community ties for all of our clients, we have implemented the following programs that put our mission into action:

AJAPO's programs are four-pronged and are achieved through the following strategies:

Workforce Development

AJAPO is also in the process of developing a full-fledged workforce development program to assist refugees and immigrants to become economically self- sufficient.

PHONE: 412-391-4985